Volume 8 number 2
Published: 28 December
Responsible editor: Tünde Baranyai
Research articles
Investigation of
Voluntary and Paid Worker Students’ Family Background and Work Value Preferences,
Markos Valéria, 1-16
High School
Choice Mechanisms among Students Based on the Value Change Theory in Hargita County, Tódor
Imre, 17-28
Employment Within and Beyond Borders, Kocsis Zsófia, 29-40
Assessing Personality Factors of Cyber Bullies and Victims Among Adolescents, Farcas Susana,
Szabó Kinga, János Réka, Batiz Enikő, 41-50
Consumption, Smoking Habits and Psychotropic Drugs among Studying Musicians,
Héjja Bella Emerencia, 51-60
An Analysis of the Developement of Phonemic Awareness in School-preparatory
Class Curriculum
and Textbooks, Szántó Bíborka,
Reducing Anxiety in School-preparatory Class with Fairytales,
Kádár Annamária, Kiss Tünde, 75-84
Diversity in Foreign
Language Learning, Somfalvi Zita, 85-91